When a teacher is first contemplating the use of unit contracts, the process can seem daunting, particularly if she is doing it alone.  A good first step is to create a structure called a protocontract, which is simply a format for recording the student work that is made available during the unit.  By filling this form out as the unit progresses, a record is created for both you and your students of all the work items in the unit. Once students check off the work they completed, the form can be used as a cover sheet and a summary of the learning process for each student.  It can, if you and they are ready, also preview the idea of students self-evaluating their work. Most importantly for you, it provides a solid basis for creating full-fledged unit contracts next year.

Here is a sample protocontract developed by Jim Behling of Niles North High School.  This form is handed out to students at the start of the unit and is updated periodically to fill in all the assignments. While it is not necessary in a protocontract, this one gives students the opportunity to evaluate both how well they did the learning process (was it on time?, was it complete?) and their understanding of the material (thumbs up or down).